Masate is a quiet town belonging to the historical territory of Martesana, characterized by the presence of the North East Agricultural Park which, crossed by the Rio Vallone stream, has several wooded areas within which they have been recovered, such as recreational areas or habitats for plant species aquatic and amphibian, the ancient foppe (artificial water basins obtained from small former quarries). It is well connected to Milan, being bordered by the MM2 station of Gessate.
MM2 stazione Gessate: Km 3
Stazione Ferroviaria Milano Centrale: km 27
Z310 per Gessate/Trezzo sull’Adda: Km 0
Asili nido
Scuole materne
Scuole elementari
Scuole medie
Scuole superiori km 5
Linate km 24
Orio al Serio km 26
Malpensa km 74
A4: km 6
Tem: km 3
La Corte Lombarda km 4
Il Globo km 7
La Fenice km 8
Carosello km 14
Il Gigante km 4
Iper km 7
U2 km 8
Carrefour km 14
In order to achieve our vision, the Replas system respects the construction philosophy inspired by the Kyoto Protocol (the first international environmental treaty for the commitment to the reduction of greenhouse gasses responsible for global warming) by contributing to environmental protection and ensuring your home a lasting value over time.