Vimercate is one of the most important centers of historical and artistic interest in Brianza: of Roman foundation, since ancient times it has been the seat of trade and an annual agricultural fair, hence the toponym “Vicus Mercati”; still today it hosts the largest and most popular weekly retail market in the neighboring countries. Vimercate still retains part of the original structure of the Roman town in its urban grid; what was once a small vicus is now incorporated into the historic center. Today Vimercate is at the center of the fastest connection routes with all of Northern Italy, thus attracting numerous companies also in the high technology sector: despite this privileged infrastructural position, it presents itself as a quiet town full of potential, boasting an efficient network of services, including the Hospital, High Schools, The White Towers with the cinema and the Energy Park. Oreno is undoubtedly the most prestigious and fascinating area of the Municipality of Vimercate. Of Celtic foundation, it was colonized by ancient Rome, and was included in the parish church of Vimercate in medieval times. The painter Gian Giacomo Caprotti was born and lived in Oreno, nicknamed the Salaino, helper and favorite pupil of Leonardo da Vinci. In Oreno there are some of the most significant places of interest in Brianza, including the villa Gallarati Scotti, the villa Borromeo with the hunting lodge, the Cascina Cavallera.
MM2 stazione Cologno Nord: Km 9
MM2 stazione Gessate: Km 14
Stazione Ferroviaria Arcore: km 4
Stazione Ferroviaria Monza: km 12
Stazione Ferroviaria Milano Centrale: km 22
Trasporto Pubblico Locale interno: Circolare Destra, Circolare Sinistra, Linea 1, Linea 2, Linea 3
ATM per MM2 stazione Cologno Nord
NET per Stazione Ferroviaria Arcore
NET per stazione Ferroviaria Monza
Asili nido
Scuole materne
Scuole elementari
Scuole medie
Scuole superiori
Linate km 25
Orio al Serio km 35
Malpensa km 68
A4: km 0
Tangenziale Est: Km 0
Tem: km 9
Tangenziale Nord: Km 14
Torri Bianche km 0
Centro Commerciale Villasanta km 8
Il Globo km 9
Carosello km 10
Il Gigante
U2 Unes
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